Frequently Asked Questions

These are the most frequently asked questions that Dragonball Forever receives! If your question is not answered here, feel free to shoot me an email.

- Can we affiliate? Can you link to my website?

Sure, just contact me at and tell me about yourself and your website. I only ask that your website be well-made and not have any embedded music. Once it meets this requirement, I will let you know of my decision!

- Why is this website dedicated only to Dragonball? Don't you like Dragonball Z or Dragonball GT?

First of all, I have never read or seen Dragonball GT. Since I haven't heard anything nice about it, I have no desire to ever watch it.

I was actually introduced to this anime and manga through Dragonball Z. I remember watching Gohan and Piccolo fighting the gigantic Nappa, only to have Goku come and save the day. After that, I was hooked.

After finishing DBZ, I went on to read all of the Dragonball manga, and in many ways I find it more exciting and humorous than the 'Z' series. Dragonball has more realistic fights, reasonable power levels, and more original storylines. The power levels by the end of Dragonball Z are absolutely ridiculous, with Krillin and Yamcha clocking in at a power level in the millions!

Finally, I feel that although there is plenty of information out there for DBZ lovers, there are very few websites dedicated to the original Dragonball series!

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