Power Levels

This page lists the power level of virtually every single fighter in the Dragonball series! Power levels, or "ki levels", are a measurement of how powerful a fighter is. Although a fighter with a lower power level might be able to win a battle through cunning and strategy, the fighter with the higher power level will natural have the upper hand.

Power levels are measured through an instrument called a Scouter, which was later introduced in Dragonball Z.

The power levels given in green are those given by Akira Toriyama himself (creator of Dragonball), which means that they are definitely correct. These power levels cannot be disputed. The power levels in black are my own estimates, based on other facts and clues. Information about the levels is provided on the right side.

An interesting trend to note in Dragonball is how Goku's power seems to grow and grow, while the other characters generally stay within a single range of power level. This is later explained in Dragonball Z to be due to his Saiyan heritage - Goku gets stronger after healing from every single battle!

Lord Pilaf Saga
Goku (at birth): 2
Goku: 10
- Ape transformation: 100

Winged dinosaur: 6
Sword-monster: 9
Bulma: 2
Master Roshi: 139
Roshi's Turtle: 0.001

Oolong: 4
Puar: 3
Yamcha: 29
A Saiyan's power level multiples by 10 when he transforms into an Oozaru.
21st Tenkaichi Budokai
Goku: 124
- Ape transformation: 1,240

Jackie Chun: 139
Bacterian: 14
Yamcha: 73
Krillin: 97
Guilan: 71
Lanfan: 14
Namu: 87
Master Roshi, as 'Jackie Chun', is the strongest fighter at the 21st tournament.

Red Ribbon Army
Korin: 190 Goku single-handedly takes on the RR Army!

22nd Tenkaichi Budokai
Goku: 180
Chaozu: 138
Yamcha: 128
Krillin: 143
Jackie Chun: 139
Tien: 180
One of the closest final fights ever, because Goku and Tien are exactly equal in power!

23rd Tenkaichi Budokai
Goku: 330
Piccolo: 320
Krillin: 206
Yamcha: 167
Tao Pai Pai: 189
Goku fights his arch-nemesis, Piccolo, and is declared the strongest fighter in the world.

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